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2024 Daily Mass Record Book
Mass Record Appointment Book

Our price: $41.00
At Home With The Word 2025 SPANISH
2025 At Home with the Word (SPANISH) is your guide to a deeper understanding of the Sunday scriptures. It provides the readings for this liturgical year, along with insights from scripture scholars, and action steps. It also includes prayers, citations for weekday readings, and other resources for scripture study.

Our price: $9.00
At Home With The Word 2025.
2025 At Home with the Word is your guide to a deeper understanding of the Sunday scriptures. It provides the readings for this liturgical year, along with insights from scripture scholars, and action steps. It also includes prayers, citations for weekday readings, and other resources for scripture study. This year features catechesis on the revised Roman Missal, which we will begin to pray the First Sunday of Advent.

Our price: $9.00
Liturgical Desk Calendar 2024
Featuring an easy-to-read display of complete liturgical information and daily readings, along with listed holidays for various denominations. Includes plentiful spacing for note-taking.

Our price: $22.50
Manual catolico para visitar a los enfermos 2025
Based on the English version of The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound, this annual resource contains all of the official rites lay minister will need to bring the Eucharist to and pray with those Spanish speakers who cannot regularly worship with their parish community.

Our price: $9.00
Manual para Proclamadores de la palabra 2025
Manual para proclamadores de la palabra prepares Spanish-speaking readers to proclaim the Scriptures by providing them with Scripture commentary, advice for proclamation, large print readings for practice, and pronunciation aids. It is a great resource for proclaiming the Word of God in liturgical celebrations and ongoing formation when studied each week.

Our price: $13.50
Sourcebook for 2025
Summer sale 2025 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays: The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy is the essential and trusted resource to help you prepare the liturgy for all seasons of the liturgical year, each Sunday, solemnity, feast, memorial, optional memorial, and seasonal weekday! If you are a priest or deacon, liturgist or worship team member, religious educator or looking for more information about Catholic liturgy, this publication will be an invaluable tool. The new features include:

Preaching points
Additional Scripture insights for the Proper of Saints
Music preparation guidance and song suggestions
Ways to connect the liturgy to the Christian life
Original Mass texts for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord
Seasonal worship committee agendas
Ideas for celebrating other rites and customs
Online supplement for preparing the sacramental rites
The familiar features include:

Seasonal introductions
Daily calendar preparation guides
Dated entries with liturgical titles, Lectionary citations, and vestment colors
Scripture insights
Brief biographies of the saints and blesseds
Guidance for choosing among the options provided in the ritual texts

Our price: $14.00
VISITING the Sick and Homebound
SUNDAY reading for the whole year BLESSINGS, Viaticum Reading to Share--user friendly. This portable, annual resource contains all of the official rites a lay minister will need from the Book of Blessings and Pastoral Care of the Sick to bring the Eucharist to and pray with those who cannot regularly worship with their parish community: children, adults, the suffering, the dying, and those who mourn.
Quanity pricing for the Parish

Our price: $9.00
Workbook for Lectors 2025
Summer Sale 2025. Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers - A basic resource for proclaimers. Contains the readings for Sundays in the translation approved for use in the dioceses of the United States. Orders ship in August.

Our price: $13.50
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