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55.1'' Anthony ABAD, San
Beautiful handmade statue imported from Spain. Each statue individually handcrafted by experience artisans Since 1880. These Statues Are Made To Order, please call or E-mail for pricing. St. Anthony of Abad was also known as St. Anthony of the Desert or St. Anthony of Egypt. Blessings during the feast day of this monk take place on the Sunday closest to January 17th, the date of Saint Anthony?s physical death but celebrated as his birthdate in heaven. In Rome, an annual religious service called the Benediction of Beasts is performed near Santa Maria Maggiore. This benediction lasts for several days because citizens and visitors send livestock and pets for blessings at St. Anthony's shrine. The belief is that when animal attendees are sprinkled and sanctified, they receive the additional protection of the saint.

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55.1'' Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Beautiful handmade statue imported from Spain. Each statue individually handcrafted by experience artisans Since 1880. These Statues Are Made To Order, please call or E-mail for pricing.

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55.1'' St. Anthony of Padua
Beautiful handmade statue imported from Spain. Each statue individually handcrafted by experience artisans Since 1880. These Statues Are Made To Order, please call or E-mail for pricing.

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55.1'' St. ISIDORE
Beautiful handmade statue imported from Spain. Each statue individually handcrafted by experience artisans Since 1880. These Statues Are Made To Order, please call or E-mail for pricing.

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63'' St. Joseph
Beautiful handmade statue imported from Spain. Each statue individually handcrafted by experience artisans Since 1880. These Statues Are Made To Order, please call or E-mail for pricing.

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